Archive for the car racing Category

Live your dream: Steps on how to be a professional racer

Posted in car racing with tags , , on January 14, 2008 by vastine

Someone said to me once that the best way to achieve you dreams is to wake up.


At first, I thought this was a no-brainer but then the light bulb moment came again and I realized that this is one of the things that are easier said than done.

Being a racing car driver has been a dream of mine since I learned how to drive. But my life took a 360 degree turn and ended up being in completely different world. Maybe it’s not too late, but then, we’ll never know.

This post is in response to a question of someone who is very much interested in getting into the racing world. Well, I’m not a professional racer, yet, but I have a friend who is. I took the liberty of asking him when his son went for a check up at the hospital where I’m a resident on how did he actually get in the racing circuit.

1.Enroll in a racing school.

Whoa, never thought there was an actual racing school. But then, there hasn’t been a publicized rehab for addicts. Anyway, he said that racing involves a lot of technical knowledge and skill. So, get in touch with your nearest racing school and grab those wheels.

2.Slack around car racetracks.

Well, slacking off does have its benefits. Immerse yourself into the actual racing arena by watching actual races and staying around to be acquaintances with the people in the tracks.

3.Apply for a job connected to racing.

Just like any job, you need to start from the bottom of the organizational chart. This way, you can work your way up and establish connections. You can start from being a water boy or an usher or a ticker reseller. Eventually you’ll be able to get connections and connections may turn into sponsors.

4.Join a car club.

You can definitely hone your skills on racing here for car clubs have regular races so, start from small exposures.

5.Read and read about racing.

Knowledge is definitely power. This proves true when it comes to car racing as well.

6.Get a license.

A license is a must if you’re really, really hoping to be in the big leagues. You can get this once you get into a good racing school.

Investment of time and money

Millions are spent in the world of professional racing. It takes time as well. May take years and a lot of patience to get into the big wigs. The money invested is also something you need to really think about. Getting a sponsor is also one of the most challenging aspects. My friend had literally wrote to 10 companies, including his day job company, to ask for sponsorship on his first professional car racing. It takes a lot of gut and yes, money. Those are the two things that I hope to fully achieve to grasp my dream of getting into the big leagues as well.

Car racing gears to keep you alive and driving

Posted in car racing with tags , , on January 10, 2008 by vastine

Even if car racers seem fearless when in the road, the desire of staying alive has never been so strong.People view car racing as dangerous and life-threatening sport. I admit that it is not the safest sport in the world and I had my share of more than a few bumps and scratches when I went car racing.

Danger is something car racers and every one of us have to face. A car racer’s consolation and joy besides finishing the race is the reality that he or she got out of the car still breathing and with 10 toes and fingers.

Safety in car racing is not just supplied by prayers and knowledge. There are car racing tools that are needed to be attached to the car so that we won’t get burnt just like a burnt toast.

  • Firesuits

Now this is a no-brainer but the importance is slightly underrated because wearing one feels skimpy and uncomfortable. These suits are basically fire-proof racing uniforms. But them again, it depends on the extent of the fire. It is ideal if one will get a one-piece multilayered firesuit so as to cover all body parts and more protection.

  • Fuel Cell

This is a energy conversion device with electrochemical properties. Its main function is to keep the fuel from flooding on the track so as to avoid fire.

  • Helmets

The importance of wearing a helmet is stresses all over again. But I admit that I am one of those who are guilty of not covering my head when I go car race. But I’m really working on that now. But for the pros, wearing an auto racing helmet is a requirement and a necessity. An auto racing helmet has a more specialized form than the normal one. It has three layers and the pros wear the closed-face ones.

  • Gloves

Of course, this is for the hands. The importance is too a big deal to not be realized. But be very cautious in putting on one. One should choose the pair of gloves that is most comfortable and has multiple layers as well.

  • Seatbelts

Again, a no-brainer but again, I was one of those who was not a big supporter of seatbelts for the simple yet irrational feeling that my movements were limited. I then discovered that the trick is to get seatbelts that can be easily loosened or tightened but can support your body in the most secured way.

Instincts and gears go hand in hand

When choosing these gears, one should try them one out first and foremost. I remember that initially I went for the ones that looked good on my car. Sure. The price also spells some degree of reliability. The trick is to ask questions upon buying and ask the ones who really know their stuff. You know you got a good deal when you feel less strained when wearing them and the composition passed the safety standards. Drive safe and have fun on the road. Most of all, these gears should bring the fun in us, not the stress.

Top NASCAR car racing teams you would want to be a part of

Posted in car racing, NASCAR car racing teams with tags , on December 18, 2007 by vastine

The need to belong is a universal need.And if you are a part of the professional car racing, you definitely want to be be associated with the top NASCAR car racing teams for this year.

Wonder what they look for in a portfolio?

In my previous article, I had posted the priciest racing cars for this year. Gee, would it be a dream to get our hands on one of those? Now, what will be featured are the top teams according to revenue earned, value, and operating income. Mind you, these numbers are all in millions,and not your single-digit numbers.

1. Roush Fenway Racing – for this year, they were valued at a whopping $316 million, earned $189 million as revenue, and spent $39.1 million on operating expenses. They have DeWalt to back them up.

2. Hendrick Motorsports – there were valued for $297 million, operated on a budget of $38.9, and earned $163 million. They are currently sponsored by Dupont.

3. Joe Gibbs Racing – their value for the year 2007 was reported to be $173 million. Also, earned a revenue of $110 million and had an operating income of 23.6 million. Home Depot is their primary sponsor.

4. Evernham motorsports – valued at $128 million, earned a revenue of $89 million and operated on an income of $178 million. They have Dodge Dealer/UAW on their side.

5. Richard Childress Racing – they have a tag price of $124 million, audited for an operating income of $19.1 million and earned a revenue of $98 million. Shell/Penzoil sponsors them as of now.

Big numbers mean success

In this case, the higher the number, the more stable and successful the car racing team is. It is interesting to note that they they still managed to operate on a two-digit income and earning triple more. They really do know how to do business. If you have a top notch and an industry leader to hire you to drive their racing cars, then it is the sweetest victory next to actually winning the car race.

Why I love to race when it rains

Posted in car racing, race with tags , , on November 27, 2007 by vastine

When it rains, it pours. And I love it when it pours, especially when I’m behind the wheel. Though most people stay indoors or wait for the rain to stop before driving, I prefer to make a run for it. I prefer to race when the the road’s slippery.

A few months back, when my car was still in good shape, I was coming home from a 26-hour shift from the hospital at around 9 pm. Then, my racing pal called me up and informed me of a race downtown. Though I was very tired, I immediately made a U-turn and went to the place. The rain was pouring so hard that only a few, in that case, 5 of us only showed up. There was no prize, no chicks, just us 5 guys being racy. My speed was unimaginable. The 9 inches of rain blocked my view while I was in the race and I crashed into a dumpster but finished second in the race. I got home at 6 in the morning. I slept at the car because my legs and hands felt numb, my head was swirling. Prior meal was around 5 pm the afternoon before the race. My dad fumed with anger when he saw me just arriving while he was about to go to the dining room for breakfast. He knew that I raced. And he hates when I race. Didn’t speak to me for 2 days.

So, with these..Don’t know how to describe them, why do I still race when it rains? I race for three things and three things only:

  1. I long for the rush of blood in my veins
  2. I love cars
  3. I feel good

I guess these maybe generic reasons to race. But the passion is so strong I can’t resist it. It’s like in my blood, in my nerves. When I race, I feel fulfilled. And I think, that at the end of the day, we all seek fulfillment, even in little ways, and I intend to fulfill something every day.